What makes these tools different to others ?
These tools do not exert any forces on bolt and nut threads. The bolt is stretched by the tool and the nut is wound down automatically by the tool after the bolt stretch has been executed.
Why is the largest size 3/4" (19mm) ?
Bolt tensioning sizes greater than 3/4" (19mm) require lots of force, the market for these sizes is adequately catered for by hydraulic bolt tensioners.
Can I use these tools on any type of steel or alloy ?
Yes, you can, however the advantages of these tools make them ideal for stainless steels, titanium, aluminium and high alloy bolts that tend to be prone to galling. They are also suitable in applications where lubrication is not desired i.e., food & beverage & marine industries.
Are there any specific requirements to use these tools ?
Yes, there needs to be enough bolt thread exposed above the nut in order for the tool to "pull & stretch". Generally, 1 to 2x bolt diameter is required.
Can I use a spanner or a pneumatic wrench to tighten & loosen these tools ?
To tighten you need to use a handheld torque wrench. For loosening a spanner can be used. You cannot use pneumatic equipment on these tools!